Mass Effect 5: 10 Perfect Ways Bioware Can Save The Franchise

8. Multiple Playable Alien Races

Mass Effect Andromeda Multiplayer

For the longest time, the assumption behind playing as a customisable human was to ground all real-world colours and creeds behind the notion of defending humanity as one; proving humans as a species could hang with the other intergalactic heavyweights in the Alliance.

However, four games on, an even stronger message of solidarity would surely be letting us become embroiled in various other alien cultures, drawing comparisons and creating talking points that mirror life on Earth. Showing the whole galaxy's races all go through similar squabbles? That would be one hell of a message, and Bioware already handled this expertly with their portrayal of Quarian citizenship mimicking various secluded religious views, but it's only the tip of the iceberg.

Mainly - like in the Elder Scrolls games - we just want to play as other races, see how NPCs react, see which abilities we're granted and ultimately, flesh out that notion of escapism through video games even more. Quarians, Turians, Krogan - even a newly-minted Geth discovering what life even is and 'feels' like - all of these would be phenomenal additions to the canon, providing a unique way to approach Mass Effect going forward.

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