Mass Effect: 8 Ways Developers Could Produce A New Entry Worthy Of The Fanbase

6. Create A Meaningful Link To The Original Story

Salarian Mass Effect

With such great source material, it would be a crying shame for it to go to waste. A new Mass Effect should still have a strong link to its original storyline, whilst being its own entity as well. This isn’t to say that we should see a return of The Reapers. That sort of rinse and repeat formula would be reminiscent of current-generation Star Wars and dilute the fact that they were taken down by Shepard.

Better would be a new threat with reference to what came before. For example, maybe the scheduled time of the next Reaping comes and passes, only to leave the galaxy with dwindling resources and a new fight for survival. Perhaps a Reaper-obsessed cult could follow, attempting to carry out the work of their deified machines. Could Cerberus rear its ugly head in some capacity again?

This world is adored by fans and should not be ignored. Dealing with the fallout of the past and building a brighter future would be a great motivation for the future generations of survivors. A perfect mix of old and new would bring Mass Effect back as a series to be reckoned with.

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