Mass Effect Andromeda: 10 Hilarious Animations You Need To See

1. Realising Everything Looked Better Back In 2007

(1:53 on the above vid)

Yip, yup, okay and alright... this is what we're dealing with when it comes to facial animation across the board.

Maybe, maybe there'll be a day one patch that can address these issues, as at time of writing, all gifs are taken either from the EA Origins early-access demo, the five hour slots afforded to press or trailers - all (potentially) created before Bioware can 'patch in' a fix.

Thing is, they'd be patching one of the most fundamental parts of the entire game; something that was already pretty damn solid in the original trilogy, meaning Bioware released this 'early-access version' fully knowing it wasn't what people were going to buy at launch.

It's safe to assume Andromeda's presentation when it comes to animation is just... a bit subpar, shall we say.


Are you still picking up a copy? How much does character animation and facial rendering bother you, if at all? Let us know in the comments!

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