Mass Effect Andromeda: 12 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

11. The Missions Are Mostly Forgettable

Mass Effect Andromeda - Extraction
"The lion's share of Andromeda's missions are busywork - go to a waypoint, scan 10 Remnant collapsible shelving units with your ugly wrist-mounted display, scoop up five mineral deposits for some lazy boffin back on the Nexus, blow up three raider outposts, and so forth...More aggravating still is the act of travelling between planets and solar systems, a janky, unskippable 20 second cinematic which feels like some animator's pet project that nobody had the heart to erase." - Eurogamer
"Andromeda is a massive game with so much to do, remarkably little of which is fun. It’s often a bland and tedious game to play, mercifully punctuated by endearing narrative moments...While they can be narratively interesting, the missions are almost universally boring. Many are simple fetch quests, tasking you with going from one area to another to collect an item or push a button...Missions are structured to be both repetitive and predictable, and they feel especially dated if you’ve played other modern large-scale role-playing games like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt or Horizon Zero Dawn." - The Verge
"There’s so much busywork here, padding out an already substantial world into something that feels hugely bloated...The game seems to delight in punishing players by repeatedly making them do the least enjoyable things. Here the main offender is the Remnant glyph system, used to unlock vaults on each planet to make that world habitable...It’s little fun, and you need to do it again and again and again." - Gamesradar

There was absolutely a strong whiff of this from the game's 10-hour trial, and it's a shame that it seems to transpire through to the final release.

Andromeda has been taken to task for its repetitive and boring missions, both in terms of formulaic fetch quest side content and "push a button" main quests that fail to muster the excitement and intrigue fans of the series rightly expect.

It's extremely disheartening to hear, but at least there's one major gameplay aspect Andromeda totally seems to nail...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.