Mass Effect Andromeda: 15 Hidden Easter Eggs & Secrets You Need To Find

2. The Nigerian Prince Scam

Drack mass effect

Bless the ageing Drack, newcomer to the Tempest crew but forever a semi-clueless old man when it comes to using digital machinery.

Keep an eye on your emails as the game continues and you build your relationship with him, as at some point he'll get in touch about a 'matriarch' who 'died in stasis'. Said matriarch apparently has a ton of credits but they're tied up in 'transfer fees', which is where Drack is thinking of ponying up the dough.

As anyone who's been online longer than a few minutes will know, this is Andromeda's version of the 'Nigerian Prince' trap, or any 'advance fee' setup, where scammers ask for money up front, before never delivering on the supposed riches.

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