Mass Effect Andromeda: 15 Hidden Easter Eggs & Secrets You Need To Find

3. "Just A Simple Weapon Malfunction, How Are You?" (Star Wars: A New Hope)

(6:55 on the above vid)

Trace back all this carefree cosmological adventuring and you'll arrive at Han Solo; the king of keeping it cool in the middle of any number of intense situations. To replicate the "Boring conversation anyway" scene from A New Hope, take on Liam's loyalty mission and get past the first wave of enemies.

From here, the intercom will crackle into life and the leader of that particular ship will ask what's going on - to which you can reply with the same line Han delivers to the Stormtrooper regarding a weapon malfunction, before asking how they are.

Sadly you can't blast the console and go for a full "Boring conversation anyway" sign-off, but it's better than nothing.

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