Mass Effect Andromeda: 9 Overlooked Positives Nobody Wants To Admit

5. The Multiplayer Is Awesome

Mass Effect Andromeda Multiplayer

One aspect of the game that's pretty much beyond reproach is the marvelous multiplayer suite, which is propelled forward by Andromeda's aforementioned enhanced combat, again allowing for a more frantic and intense experience.

Overall it simply feels so much more polished and "complete" than the single-player offering, building on the previous game's much-praised online gameplay to the point that many have reportedly even bought the game solely for the multiplayer component.

With a few buddies, this can suck hours and hours out of your life, cementing that the Mass Effect series has one of the greatest Horde Mode-type multiplayer offerings on the market.

It's easy for the multiplayer to get lost in the shuffle if you're busy racing through the campaign to see if it improves later on, but it's absolutely worth your time, arguably more so than the campaign itself.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.