Mass Effect Andromeda CES Trailer: 10 Reasons You Should Be Worried

1. The Overall Lack Of Confidence

At some point, if you're going to 'do another Mass Effect' after everything that's happened, yes, a lot of care and attention needs to go into how the franchise is reintroduced to the world, but at the same time, there's been little to nothing to write home about from any of the trailers so far.

Honestly, we learned more tantalising details from a leaked survey back in 2015 than anything from the official channels.

Contrast this to how Rockstar unveiled Red Dead Redemption 2; a series of social media teasers before an in-game trailer peppered with story hints and a few answers to some long-standing gameplay questions (boats and swimming!), and they're worlds apart.

I truly hope EA isn't treating the Mass Effect franchise like that of Mirror's Edge when it comes to marketing, as though that series is far smaller by all accounts, Catalyst released in 2016 to the barest mouse fart of a response from the gaming world, pulling the lid closed on its own casket before giving up altogether.

Mass Effect deserves better, its fans deserve better, and if you're going to rekindle these flames in light of the cultural framing the franchise has, it needs to be with a devout purpose we can identify and feel from the start, a la The Last of Us 2.

Right now that isn't present, and I hope it gets remedied immediately.


What do you think? Psyched, worried or somewhere in between? Let us know in the comments!

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Gaming Editor

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