Mass Effect Andromeda Gameplay Hands-On: 11 New Details You Need To Know

3. FINALLY, You Can Blind-Fire

mass effect andromeda

A quintessential ingredient in any cover-based shooter... that Mass Effect never included, despite being in a handful of pre-release footage for Mass Effect 3.

'Blind fire' is when you literally just pull the trigger whilst staying in cover, resulting in your character holding a gun over or around an object, without revealing themselves.

Gears of War pioneered and perfected the idea, yet in past Mass Effects, you'd always have to stand up or reveal yourself to return fire, meaning enemies could easily get the drop on you by rushing and crowding around.

No more. Now you can use blind fire to create a wide spread, pushing enemies back and doing instant damage to those encroaching on your position, all without making yourself vulnerable.

It's basic stuff, but that's why it should've been included since the beginning.

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