Mass Effect Andromeda Gameplay Hands-On: 11 New Details You Need To Know

2. The Tempest Features A Noticeboard For Side-Quests & Squadmates

Mass effect andromeda tempest

I lost count of the amount of times I tootled off around the Normandy, 'doing laps' of the same spaces where my favourite characters resided, just hoping they had something new to say.

Thankfully, Bioware have realised the error of their ways, and building on ME3's inclusion of showing you which characters are in which part of the ship (something ME2 missed), Andromeda will also feature a noticeboard where all your squadmates and skivvies can post comments about each other.

Eurogamer assume this will be a source of side quests, and I'd also wager it doubles as a way for specific squaddies to let you know they've got something on their mind.

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