Mass Effect Andromeda Gameplay Hands-On: 11 New Details You Need To Know

5. Change Weapon Loadout & Call Nomad At Any Time

Mass Effect Andromeda Tempest Nomad

Until Andromeda, Mass Effect had experimented with a couple of weird ways to spec your inventory. ME2's loadout screen was locked to before a mission, where in ME3, it was only when you'd pick up a new weapon during gameplay that you could switch what was equipped.

It's all baby-steps compared to now being able to call a 'Forward Station' to any point on the map when you're out exploring - one which can also deploy the Nomad, your new all-terrain vehicle. The nearest comparison I can think of is Just Cause 3, where you could call in new weapons and items, which would them magically drop from the sky in a handy crate - very handy when fending for yourself on alien-invested planets full of things trying to kill you.

For Andromeda - and in conjunction with the class-swapping ability - this means you can fully change your approach to combat multiple times when out exploring or on a mission. One hell of a step up from where we last left anything similar in Mass Effect 3.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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