Mass Effect Andromeda Gameplay Trailer: 9 Things You Totally Missed

7. The Helios Cluster & The Andromeda Initiative (Theory)

mass effect andromeda

I mentioned the 'meta narrative' earlier on, and it's definitely going to be an integral part of the allure when exploring Andromeda as a galaxy. Basically, it seems Bioware want you to be in the same headspace as the characters, forever lost, looking for a place where the cosmos' various races can call home.

When exploring the Vault in the footage, Ryder exclaims "That's where we are" - intimating that until this 'map' of sorts sprang up, they'd been trying to locate their own coordinates.

Again, this ties into the rumoured plot line where the Andromeda Initiative jet off across the cosmos using some fairly untested technology, as far away as possible from the events of the Reaper Invasion, and emerge in one piece, only to then attempt to survive.

The Vaults are mentioned as being on many other planets, with the structure our heroes reside in, being one of potentially hundreds. A major component of gameplay is most definitely going to be travelling from Vault to Vault, picking up pieces of information along the way - all within the Helios Cluster.

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