Mass Effect Andromeda Launch Trailer: 22 Things You Must See

6. The Archon

Mass Effect Andromeda - Peebee and Ryder

Chief antagonist and pain in humanity’s side, the Archon makes his second appearance and we still no very little about him.

We first see him fired into what is probably his ship; the next we see him unplugged and flanked by his foot soliders.

You see how much different he is to his fellow Kett. Not only does he have a halo on his head, but his armour actually looks like armour. It’s not encrusted or enhanced by that bone-like aesthetic that his comrades have.

It’s also difficult to see, but he also has a cape.

Mass Effect Andromeda - Archon

But what an amazing shot that is!

Archon certainly looks like he means business and here’s hoping that he proves himself to be a worth adversary after the likes of Saren, the Collectors and of course, the Reapers.

No pressure guys.


Aspiring writer who talks a lot, and writes most of it down