Mass Effect Legendary Edition - 12 Overlooked Changes Fans Will LOVE

2. Tali FINALLY Has Her Own Face

mass effect tali

These were the really important questions going in: Would Bioware actively go back to one of the strangest parts of Mass Effect 3 - Tali's face reveal - and do anything about it?

At the time they talked a good game as to why a barely changed stock image from gettyimages was used as a main character's most emotional reveal, but ultimately given the time passed, fans hoped they would recognise the need for a meaningful change.

Well, play the Legendary Edition and thankfully, they have. (spoiler link)

Tali's face is now a completely new model that still has recognisably eastern features, but totally works as the payoff to Shepard and her relationship, if you decide to romance the character for the duration.

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