Mass Effect Legendary Edition - 12 Overlooked Changes Fans Will LOVE

11. Elanos Haliat Is Finally A Turian

Make a point of hoovering up every last part of the first Mass Effect's UNC missions (which I recommend you do), and you'll eventually come across "Elanos Haliat", inside the Espionage Probe mission.

A strange inclusion that likely reflects the hectic reality of Bioware crafting their first third-person shooter RPG, this character's model was completely wrong. Haliat still sported a Garrus-like eye visor and his voice/delivery was modified in-line with all other Turians, but visually, Elanos was human.

Now in the Legendary Edition - as Bioware have had more than enough time to reflect on the little things - Haliat shows up in all his Turian glory.

mass effect elanos haliat fix
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