Mass Effect: Ranking The Characters From Worst To Best

6. Tali'Zorah vas Normandy

Mass Effect characters

Tali'Zorah is endearing, bubbly, a genius with mechanics, and just a little bit naïve. She also doesn't handle her drink very well, as many fans found out with hilarity. As a mainstay squadmate across all three titles (and in spite of the infamous photo controversy), she has become a fan favourite - and with that vibrant personality, how could you ever dislike her?

Her character does a good job of subverting the stereotypes that Quarians have in the Mass Effect universe - they're seen as thieves and vandals, not to mention the species that unleashed the Geth across the galaxy. Tali, on the other hand, is upstanding, brave, and determined to do the right thing - she even refuses to go back to the flotilla for safety in ME2 choosing to remain with Shepard.

Her scenes with Legion in particular are some of her best, being so distrusting of it initially but progressing to deeply caring for it as a friend - and the events on Rannoch have her in tears. A totally loyal and committed member of the team, there's no doubt seeing Tali in Andromeda would make fans jump for joy.

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