Mass Effect: Ranking The Characters From Worst To Best

7. Thane Krios

Mass Effect characters
Thane is very good at killing people, which comes in handy in his day job as an assassin. The Drell are one of the more mysterious races found in the galaxy, since Thane and his are the only two Drell with whom Shepard really interacts. Given his tendency to pray for his victims, he is almost the Ezio Auditore of Mass Effect.

Thane's story is pretty tragic - and watching him having to relive the memories of his lost wife in perfect detail, whilst he blames himself for her death, is painful. The Drell's eidetic memories can often be a blessing, but here they felt more like a curse.

His interactions with Kolyat are difficult to watch as well, as he tries to stop his son from following the wrong path. But the last straw is his final duel - when Kai Leng stabs him, there's an uncontrollable sense of sorrow at seeing him dying, and rage towards Leng for daring to attack such a close friend.

Thane was a pretty intimate and solitary character - but he gave fans plenty to remember him by.

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Matty Coxhill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.