Mass Effect Remastered NEW INFO - Gameplay Overhaul, ME3 Ending Change & More

7. New Expanded, Universal Character Creator For All Three Games

Commander Shepard Mass effect 3

For as much as longtime fans customised "their Shepard", the reality of a custom face comprised of many separate assets, versus hand-crafted character models or even the default Shepard - always stuck out.

Bioware got better at rendering your Shepard in ME 2 and 3 as those games' creators also improved, but you could always tell a custom face from the suggested default model.

Now, that's (hopefully) no longer the case.

Bioware have a new, universal character creator that applies your Shepard across the board. They still showed things like the Commander of part two being notably more "dishevelled", let's say, but we now have all-new hair and face options.

It's a huge boost to how a custom Shepard can look, especially in the original.

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