Mass Effect Remastered NEW INFO - Gameplay Overhaul, ME3 Ending Change & More

8. Mass Effect 1 Has HUGE Changes (Combat, HUD, Elevators)

mass effect legendary edition

It's long been said that remaking the Mass Effect trilogy was delayed to focus on the original game, and going back to 2007's release today, you can feel it play completely differently to both sequels.

Thus, Mass Effect 1 has been overhauled, and looks to have received the most work.

Besides all-new character models for Shepard (including the FemShep model created for ME3), movement and gunplay now resembles Mass Effect 2 & 3. We now have a dedicated melee button, no more class-based weapon restrictions, tighter aiming overall and and better access to cover. Alongside this is ME 2 and 3's HUDs being retroactively applied, so the very visual of Mass Effect 1 is more in line with the trilogy.

Lastly, Bioware made a point to address Mass Effect 1' tediously long elevator rides. First included to "mask" load times, they still gave us some cool character interactions, depending on your party makeup.

Elevators in the Legendary Edition exist, but once loading is complete - something that's far faster on new hardware - you can simply skip the rest.

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