Metal Gear Solid: 20 Things That Made You Love Hideo Kojima

10. Everything About The Evolution Of The Cardboard Box

You just have to love a team who devote what must amount to a considerable amount of money, time and even press-assets to showcasing 'new box tech' with every subsequent iteration. What started as a goof on Snake's infiltration technique (hiding in a cardboard box right in front of enemies) eventually evolved into many different things. In MGS 2 it would gradually get wet and falls apart if you stayed out in the rain too long, Peace Walker saw it become the setting for a 'sexy' romp with Paz, and in the upcoming Phantom Pain there are new combat takedowns where guards can be distracted by wearing boxes that look like their comrades. It's completely barmy and remains so whenever you have to describe it to someone - but when the boxes themselves did everything from transporting you around the world in MGS 1 to letting you evade alerts and blend into the scenery, it's become one of the most iconic things about the franchise so far.
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