Metal Gear Solid: 20 Things That Made You Love Hideo Kojima

6. Shooting The End Early In MGS 3 (Or Letting Him Die Of Old Age)

Kojima is one of those gifted designers who you can tell has spent a considerable amount of time playing games himself. He knows gamers like to play around in the world given to them, exploit A.I. patterns and generally experiment with the tools on offer. So come the moment in MGS 3 where as a cutscene draws to a close and a potential boss character is sitting comfortably on the other side of the area you're in, some people promptly whipped out their rifles and fired - only to realise it actually worked. Although the sniper battle you'll have with The End (if you let him live) is one of the best boss battles of all time (itself comprised of another gem if you let him die of old age by setting your console's clock forward), it was the sheer fact that some people could miss out on that altogether by firing the first round hours beforehand.
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