Metal Gear Solid: 20 Things That Made You Love Hideo Kojima

4. The Return Of Liquid Snake (But Not Really)

"I live on... through this arm!" Either you were completely on board with the righteous pipes of Cam Clarke blasting out your speakers once again as the re-embodied Liquid Snake/Ocelot, or you were immediately annoyed that his death in the first game essentially meant nothing. For plenty fans it was the right kind of crazy they needed - and you'll never get enough of Snake's "LIQUIIID!" delivery - not to mention the irony of the former's right hand man literally living up to that label when his boss's appendage gets grafted on - creating the perfect pantomime villain everyone loved to watch in the process. When the entire thing gets flipped on its head in MGS 4 and it turns out Ocelot was just faking everything just to bring back the "You're pretty good" line from MGS 3 well, you were either picking your jaw off the floor, throwing your hands up in bewilderment - or both.
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