Metal Gear Solid Movie: Fan-Casting Every Major Role

10. Quiet - Stefanie Joosten

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In a somewhat unique turn of events, a silver screen version of Quiet would be exactly the same as that of the game.

To that end - literally because the character never speaks until the climax of the game - Quiet can be played by her face and body model, Stefanie Joosten.

Joosten's screen presence is obviously incredibly attractive aesthetically, and though Hideo Kojima appeared to lose his mind by designing a half-naked character who needed to breathe through her skin (yes, really), Quiet's arc is actually a touching and potentially heart-wrenching one.

Starting out as an assassin whose body is incredibly badly burned, Quiet's speech is restrained by a vocal chord parasite that will activate if she ever utters a word of English. Come the close of the game - and after countless hours of bonding and saving each others' skins - Boss is dying, and the only recourse is for Quiet to call for assistance, allowing you to live, but meaning she dies in the process.

All that said... there's next to no way Quiet's ridiculous costume would make it onto the big screen without some much-needed modifications.

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