Metal Gear Solid Movie: Fan-Casting Every Major Role

11. Sniper Wolf - Charlize Theron

Metal Gear Solid Sniper Wolf
Konami/Focus Features

As one of the most seductive and deadly characters in the fiction, Sniper Wolf exists to be the old-school film noir film fatale archetype (with a rifle), yet on screen, she'd need to have a more overtly sadistic edge.

In-game, we see Wolf viciously wound Meryl to goad Snake out of hiding, and later she helps set up one of the coolest boss battles in all of Metal Gear, as both Solid Snake and Sniper Wolf trade long range shots across a snow-covered landscape.

A role that's short-lived and yet incredibly memorable, we need an actor who can blend killer looks with an almost psychotic need to claim the next kill. One flash of Theron's eyes mixed with the fire she displayed in Atomic Blonde or Mad Max: Fury Road, and she's Sniper Wolf.

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