Metal Gear Solid Movie: Fan-Casting Every Major Role

8. Fortune - Gina Torres

Metal Gear Solid Fortune

Existing as a manifestation of luck on the battlefield, Fortune is one of the coolest characters in all of MGS.

Literally someone who can't seem to die as bullets always deflect away from her, Kojima played with this idea by having various pieces of technology responsible - only to reveal Fortune could will projectiles to avoid her when necessary.

She also has a whopping great rail gun that displaces energy into lightning bolts, inspired by Metal Gear REX's similar weapon - something that would look incredible on screen. To play her - and to get across the duality of Fortune's sleek stature alongside her inner torment of never being free from life - Gina Torres could do the character justice.

Usually cast in more lighthearted roles, in Firefly Torres was as one of the crew's more tactile-thinking members, giving her just enough of a commanding presence when standing alongside the other 'boss' characters.

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