Metal Gear Solid Movie: Fan-Casting Every Major Role

7. Kaz 'Master' Miller - Guy Pearce

Metal Gear Solid Kaz

Say we don't go down the Metal Gear Solid 2 route - what if the MGS movie cribs from the Big Boss timeline more, and we get the rise of something like the Militaires Sans Frontieres instead?

If so, we'll need Kaz 'Master' Miller, as though he is present to facilitate the Liquid Snake switch-reveal from MGS 1, 2015's prequel, The Phantom Pain, saw Kaz as a wounded man; someone stripped of his vision and two limbs, yet forever pressing on to establish Big Boss' vision.

As such, we need an actor who can encapsulate a tortured soul - not unlike Pearce's Leonard Shelby from Christopher Nolan's immaculate Momento - and someone who'll take the bumps, yet you're glad to see get back up, time and again.

Ostensibly a support character whose only major scenes are clashing with Ocelot over the rights and wrongs of using torture as a means to extract information, Miller's casting needs to be spot on, so that very little screen time can still accomplish a great deal.

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