Metal Gear Solid Movie: Fan-Casting Every Major Role

6. EVA - Scarlett Johansson

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Hideo Kojima's Bond girl with a twist, EVA initially distracts Snake by unzipping her boiler suit to physically seduce him, though it's later revealed - in truly on-the-nose Kojima fashion - that this was just to play Naked Snake's predilections against him. Once EVA has gotten what she wanted and it's the morning after, the final scenes of Snake Eater (a double entendre if ever there was one) reveals her to be a triple agent, actually working for the Chinese.

All of which is to say - we need a casting who can be immediately visually stunning, yet someone who backs that beauty up with brains. Scar-Jo's version of Black Widow in Iron Man 2 - before she got more battle-hardened as the MCU went on - is the perfect portrayal to transfer over, providing Jordan Vogt-Roberts knows how to shoot a gawping male gaze in a humorous, Metal Gear-way, rather than anything verging on Michael Bay territory.

A tough character to get right, there's every chance EVA's almost pornstar-like open boiler suit won't be doable outside of gaming, but here's hoping the character's story makes the leap regardless.

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