Metal Gear Solid Movie: Fan-Casting Every Major Role

1. Solid Snake/Young Big Boss - Scott Eastwood

Metal Gear Solid Snake
Konami/Orion Pictures

Casting Solid Snake is actually the hardest of the bunch. You need a someone who's got a fairly slim build if we're gunning for MGS 1-era Snake, though an actor with a gruff, recognisable voice that can handle a one-liner or two, and overall ends up being beloved, rather than just marvelled at.

There was something about Snake's demeanour in MGS 1 that channeled the age-old "Just one more job" mentality western action cinema loves so much. It's the kind of thing Hideo Kojima adores, and though Scott Eastwood is yet to be given a role tailor-made to his strengths, perhaps this could be the perfect way to step up.

Of course if the movie is going into a more Big Boss/MGS 3-era Snake, perhaps Hugh Jackman's grizzled chops would fit the bill? There's actually a scarcity of genuinely brilliant action stars who can carry movies like the various 80s and 90s counterparts who inspired Snake in the first place once could, meaning you'd need someone like Eastwood to knock it out the park with zero expectation.

If all that fails - and if we can get past the idea of a Solid Snake that doesn't speak solely in dulcet tones - there's always Chris Evans, who looks BANG.ON...

Metal Gear Solid Chris Evans

Who would you cast? Let us know in the comments!

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