Metal Gear Solid Movie: Fan-Casting Every Major Role

2. Solidus Snake - Stephen Lang

Metal Gear Solid Solidus Snake
Konami/20th Century Fox

The last of the MGS 2 characters, but possibly the most important, Solidus Snake is the third brother between Solid and Liquid Snake.

Actually being the President of the United States for a time, you face off against the octopus suit-equipped Solidus multiple times in Sons of Liberty, with his most powerful moment being the takedown of various Metal Gear RAY mechs, all by himself.

None other than Avatar's Stephen Lang would be perfect here, able to channel his Colonel Quaritch performance, before backing it up with even more badass monologues, action choreography and killer line delivery. Lang could nail Solidus' iconic "Damn the Patriots" line, and that's before you think about him going up against Ezra Miller's Raiden or standing alongside Daniel Day-Lewis' Ocelot as the pair plan how to ensnare Solid Snake.

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