Metal Gear Solid Movie: Fan-Casting Every Major Role

18. Revolver Ocelot

Young - Boyd Holbrook

Metal Gear Solid Revolver Ocelot Young

Whoever Jordan gets in to play Ocelot will have to embody a very tricky dichotomy of personality when it comes to Revolver Ocelot.

On the one hand we've got a duplicitous villain; someone who at any given time is playing a handful of opposing forces against one another, and yet on the other, a character fans have grown to love, simply because his dialogue, delivery and actions are so damn cool.

As such, young Ocelot needs to be a cocksure a-hole initially (only to save the day later on), a role suited to Boyd Halbrook being his character on Narcos doesn't go more than a handful of episodes without a morally grey action or two.

Old - Daniel Day-Lewis

Metal Gear Solid Revolver Ocelot

As for the more iconic Ocelot 'look', bring in the big guns. This is a fan-casting after all, so let's have Daniel Day-Lewis.

Easily one of the finest actors on the planet, we need someone who can just command a scene within seconds of arriving, no matter what. Setups like Ocelot's betrayal of Gurlukovich in MGS 2 happen with him strutting out amidst the legs of a deactivated Metal Gear - and that's before you get to the "gun hands" scene in MGS 4, where after taking control of the whole world's networking tech, he merely points at things and watches them explode.

Day-Lewis is known for meticulously researching his roles to get into character, and you can guarantee he'd have an absolute blast embodying one of the franchise's most OTT villains.

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