Metal Gear Solid Movie: Fan-Casting Every Major Role

16. Vulcan Raven - Jason Mamoa

Metal Gear Solid Vulcan Raven

Nailing the casting for Vulcan Raven is a tricky one, because yes, on the one hand he's only needed to be a big mound of muscle for Snake to overcome - but on the other, there's a lot of fun to be had embodying such a brilliantly-written character.

Mainly stemming from things like Raven talking about "the Tuscan ear pull" as a competition he enjoys or the spiri

tualistic asides he makes about the afterlife and "knowing your place", you need only look to Mamoa's stature in Game of Thrones as Khal Drogo or the DCEU's Aquaman, to see how much fun he can have in a powerful role.

Key is casting someone who can be a loveable antagonist, as though various speculative pieces over the years have fan-casted The Rock as Vulcan Raven, can anyone really see Dwayne "I have the most beaming white smile in the world" Johnson as a bad guy?

No, we need Mamoa. Just imagine him destroying a small warehouse's worth of equipment as he pursues Snake with a minigun, only to throw his head back and laugh heartily, enjoying the thrill of battle.


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