Metal Gear Solid Movie: Fan-Casting Every Major Role

15. Liquid Snake - Tom Hiddleston

Metal Gear Solid Liquid Snake

He'd literally be asked to channel Loki from the first Thor movie, but Tom Hiddleston's jealous, venomous turn as the God of Mischief has one of the most Liquid Snake-esque acting performances at its core.

A more comfortable self-assured personality that the snivelling brat of Loki, the way Hiddleston snarls at Thor claiming his actions are 'madness' during that film's climax is something right out of the Liquid playbook. We need an actor who you're glad to see is still alive after any number of surefire death scenarios, and yet still know they have to eventually be put out of their misery.

Tom's overall physicality would need a bit of bulking up for the role, but if Adrien Brody got ripped for 2010's Predators, he can too.

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