Metal Gear Solid: Revolver Ocelot Explained

You're Not a Snake, And I'm Not An Ocelot. We're Men With Names

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The man who would be Ocelot was born into a life of duplicity, espionage and double-cross, through no fault of his own. Conceived by two members of the Cobra Unit, The Joy (or The Boss to most) and The Sorrow, fate already threw difficulty towards them when the former had to kill the latter for switching to the Soviet Union.

Already under threat of losing the child if she didn't, The Boss had little choice in the matter.

Much like when the child, named Adam, was born the day of the Normandy beach landings. But far from sharing that maternal bond, Adam was taken and raised by the Philosophers to be their agent as time went on. The Philosophers, as we come to learn, are a shadowy cabal that run world events, preceding and eventually becoming The Patriots that seek world domination and information control.

MGS3 Ocelot

It becomes clear by the end of Metal Gear Solid 3 that Ocelot/Adam has not only played us, but also Colonel Volgin, the KGB and the CIA on behalf of the Philosophers. A triple agent right from the off, Ocelot deceived all but left a lasting mark on Snake, after exchanging their real names in one final duel at the climax.

So, by now, three Solid games in, we've established what, exactly? That Ocelot seems to be a major player on behalf of the Philosophers/Patriots, acting as their agent to either disrupt or ensure their plans go accordingly? Well, that much we know.

But y'know, something still doesn't add up...

If he is on the side of the Philosophers, why would he aide Snake in the Volgin fight? Why allow him and EVA to make good their escape?

Why does he end up on Big Boss' side some years later...?


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.