Metal Gear Solid: Revolver Ocelot Explained

We Have To Shape That Age. We'll Each Have Roles To Play

Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain Ocelot

It seems Operation Snake Eater was a catalyst for many ideologies to change, for better or worse, causing power struggles amid political affiliations. Aided in no small part by Ocelot, the Philosopher's Legacy, a cache of insurmountable wealth, had ended up in the hands of Major Zero.

This led to the creation of what would become the Patriots; Cipher, formed by Zero and other key players from Operation Snake Eater, as well as Big Boss himself. Ocelot was recruited by Zero, and for a time, it seemed that the intent of this group was to promote the will of the Boss and lead a world to unification.

But as you can imagine, ideals can be misinterpreted over time, dissent can set in and soon this "dream team" split. But where does Ocelot fit in...

Ocelot Snake MGSV

The Phantom Pain saw Big Boss inadvertently put into a coma, which saw Ocelot take one last call from Zero. The plan was to create a body double of the Boss, so that Cipher's rogue XOF force wouldn't find the real one. Ocelot teamed up with Kazuhara Miller, formed Diamond Dogs and worked to keep the real Boss safe from both Zero/Cipher and XOF.

And for a time, it worked. The phantom would eventually find out, but keep up the act, and Ocelot and Miller would eventually part ways. Both would still work under Cipher, with Miller working with the real Boss and Ocelot guiding the Phantom, as well as eventually going on to train each of the Boss' cloned sons.

Miller would eventually train Solid Snake, with Ocelot guiding Liquid. But there was a third, and this is where the President comes in...


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.