Metal Gear Solid: Revolver Ocelot Explained

This Is It, Brother; Our Final Moment. The Battle Has Ended, But We Are Not Yet Free!

Liquid Ocelot MGS4

Leading up to the events of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, it would seem that Ocelot is fully ensnared in doing the Patriots bidding. But like most things in this series, not everything is at is seems...

Having had his hand chopped off by Grey Fox in Metal Gear Solid, Ocelot had a replacement grafted on in the guise of Liquid Snake's right one. And well, he's not using it, is he? What with death by FOXDIE and all. Naturally, because this is Metal Gear Solid, the dormant personality in the transplanted arm is seeping into Ocelot's mind and threatening to take over. Going by the mantle of Liquid Ocelot, it seems the two personalities are at war. Again, "seems".

What is apparent, though, is that Ocelot is no longer in the Patriots favour. Amassing five of the biggest private military contractors, as well as operating out of a mobile fortress, Ocelot is actually planning a mass insurrection against the Patriots.

Revolver Ocelot

But... why? Why would the man, practically raised into this life by the very same organisation (or at least a variant of) want to now suddenly turn on them? Crashing Arsenal into Manhattan took out one of the Patriots' AI systems, but that wasn't enough. No, Liquid Ocelot wants them all gone to ensure that their rule is over.

This is the Ocelot that has been pulling strings behind Operation Snake Eater, The Phantom Pain, the Shadow Moses and Big Shell incidents. What could possibly cause him to turn on his masters like that? Is the arm of a cloned super-soldier really affecting him like this, as Liquid sought to break free them all those years ago?


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.