Metal Gear Solid: Revolver Ocelot Explained

Metal Gear Only Has Room For One

Ocelot MGS2

So, in terms of in-game chronology, by the end of Metal Gear Solid, we're starting to see a picture of Ocelot emerging. Raised by the Philosophers, drafted into Cipher and integral in the molding of Liquid Snake, he seems more of a caretaker of events than a major player. Cipher would go on to become what we know as the Patriots, moving on from Zero's originally philosophy and twisting the Boss' will into one of total control.

Which sets the stage for the Big Shell incident: working with President Sears, revealed to be the third clone Solidus, it seems the two seek to overthrow the Patriots imposition and rule. Arsenal Gear was to be the Patriots' means of information control and governance on a grand scale, and the two wish to use that against them.

That is, until Ocelot betrays him too... as he is still an agent for the Patriots.

Ocelot MGS2

It seems that for all his talk of taking them down, Ocelot is no more pawn than Raiden and Solid Snake have throughout the entire Manhattan Incident. Revealing the whole scenario was scripted by the Patriots, Ocelot leaves Solidus to his fate whilst taking off in one of the many Metal Gear Rays aboard Arsenal Gear.

Canonically, by this stage, we're four main games into Ocelot's character arc. Is he no more than just an agent for the Patriots, acting out their will to control all flow of information and corralling humankind towards the will of an overseeing AI network?

Certainly seems like that's where we're heading. Ocelot seems to be one step ahead of everyone, everything, and any major event going on.

Of course, it didn't help that we had to wait another seven years to shed some light on it at the time.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.