Metal Gear Solid V: 11 Hidden Secrets You Totally Missed

2. Manually Chain Explosions Together Longtime MGS fans may remember the spectacular debut trailer above for MGS 1 on the PS1, which showed Snake rigging substantial chunks of Shadow Moses with lines upon lines of C4, before detonating them and watching the whole base go up. Naturally, when fans got their hands on the game, we set about replicating the scene - only to find you could only lay a handful of C4 around the place, before the limitations of the PS1's hardware cut you short. Well... now you can finally live that dream. If you lay down a series of explosive devices comprising of landmines, C4, grenades etc. setting one of them off will trigger any within a given proximity. This way, you can set some pretty incredible traps for guards, before baiting them into place and blowing any number to smithereens.
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