Metal Gear Solid V: 11 Hidden Secrets You Totally Missed

5. You Can Hold Up Entire Trucks Of People

Holding up guards has been a staple of MGS gameplay since part two, and although to get the best score in the game you'll have to tell them to get down and interlock their fingers behind their heads, you're free to do this on a larger scale, if you can time it right. Occasionally you'll come across enemies driving around the open-world, to which their eyesight will still work the same in gameplay-terms i.e. straight forward, as oppose to detecting you through a given radius. Simply approach them with a gun when they're stopped (or force them to halt by leaving a cardboard box in the road) and you can then interrogate them all, one by one. The same thing works if you run up on the back of D-Horse with a weapon aimed, although you'll have to master the controls to make sure you stop in time.
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