Metal Gear Solid V: Every Piece Of Cut Content You Need To See
12. Battle Gear Was Originally Playable

One of the weirdest parts of MGS V (and boy, there are a lot of them) is when Huey starts discussing the idea of making a custom Metal Gear-style mech you can take out in the field. Named the Battle Gear, you chart its construction over a number of in-game weeks, checking in frequently to see how its doing - you even get a really glossed-up Its finished! cutscene - but after such a big deal made around its completion, its nowhere to be found in the deployment menu.
Well, multiple hidden audio files show that it was indeed - at one point - meant to be usable in the field - and in a way that essentially makes it D-Walker on steroids.
The Battle Gear is an armoured weapon developed to take on hostile bipedal weapon systems. You can alter its manoeuvrability by changing its posture. In travel mode, it's as nimble as a horse. Whereas in fire mode you can move while keeping an eye on the area in front of you. It's armed with a railgun and a heavy machine gun. If you like, we can look into adding other weapons too.
You could call it in, rely on it for any combat-heavy scenario, assumedly drive it around and even spec it in a multiple directions. Ocelot can be heard talking to Boss and laying out these things, and although the Battle Gear CAN be selected on a very select few of Combat Deployment missions (where you send your troops out in the field instead of you), its a pretty naff compromise for whatshouldve been so much more.