Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes - 11 Easter Eggs True Fans Will Love

3. Johnny

Back to the Deja Vu mission we go for this hilarious reference to Johnny; the infamous guard that apparently has irritable bowel syndrome, and found his way from being naked, censored, and knocked out in a bathroom in Metal Gear Solid by Meryl, to joining her Rat Patrol Team and proposing mid-battle in Metal Gear Solid 4, during what is undeniably the most awesome and cheesiest cinematic scene in all of gaming. Now that's character development. Johnny cannot be seen visibly, but he is in one of the bathroom stalls surrounding the area where prisoners are held - where you found Chico in the main story -, and you guessed it, he's having stomach problems again, giving anyone suitably inclined to listen to him evacuate at full pelt to their heart's content. Knowing that Kojima is essentially insane and willing to try anything, don't underestimate him putting a relative of Johnny into The Phantom Pain, because frankly, it's just not a Metal Gear Solid game if you don't encounter a guard suffering from some toilet issues.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.