Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes - 11 Easter Eggs True Fans Will Love

9. Déjà vu

This reference is actually one entire bonus mission received from collecting all of the XOF patches hidden throughout the story portion of the game, and is also exclusive to the PlayStation versions of the game. Essentially, it's a mission where you will control Snake around a version of Camp Omega that is fused with nostalgic elements of Shadow Moses; the location of the original Metal Gear Solid. There is no true goal in the mission aside from searching for 7 flashbacks to the game with the use of photographs provided to you by Miller. The mini-tasks range from collecting chaff grenades by weaving between spotlights on a helipad - reenacting the very beginning of the original game - to finding grenades and tossing them into a tank, which is the method for winning the appropriate boss battle in Metal Gear Solid. In addition to that, another Easter Egg can be found by stealing a jeep and driving underneath the overpass, which kicks in a flashback of the game's final boss battle; the tunnel chase with Solid and Liquid Snake. Those are the more elusive and hidden flashbacks to find, but among the rest are references to Psycho Mantis, a certain surveillance camera, and more. Furthermore, this entire mission is packed with Easter Eggs, and it will crop up multiple times over the course of this article.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.