Metal Gear Solid V: Ranking The Missions From Worst To Best

3. Code Talker (Episode 28)

Overview: Make contact with and extract Code Talker, the old man who knows how to treat the pathogen affecting Mother Base. In addition to the local PF guarding the mansion where he is located, an unidentified force has been observed operating in the area. This episode begins with easily the most enjoyable fight against the Skulls, a sniper battle against the four fierce enemies that's terrifically entertaining and, thankfully, not infuriatingly difficult. You can make things much easier for yourself by using Quiet as your co-sniper and sending in bombardments to help drain the Skulls' health, or if you're smart, you can bypass the fight entirely by sticking to the waterfall below them. This is just the beginning of the mission, though, as you then have to head to the fortified mansion where Code Talker is being kept, and regardless of whether you go stealthy or violent, it's going to take you a while to reach the old dude. Things get tougher when you want to escape, as the fortress will be re-fortified with guards no matter how many you've killed, and a chopper will now be patrolling. It's incredibly tense but also superbly satisfying once you finally get him evacuated, even if you won't have long to rest, as episode 28 ends on a cliffhanger ahead of the final Skulls fight in the game.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.