Metal Gear Solid V: Ranking The Missions From Worst To Best

2. Cloaked In Silence (Episode 11)

Overview: Eliminate the sniper known as Quiet. This is one of the few boss battles in the game to evoke a proper MGS feel, and though it feels a little off-base to compare it to MGS 3's The End as so many have, it stands well on its own as an exhilarating sniper battle. Yes, it's probably a bit too easy (you can end the battle quickly by landing a supply drop on her head for one), but the ruins setting is terrifically cinematic, and the game impressively gives the player the option to kill or save Quiet once you defeat her (and by God, don't you dare shoot her, given how she becomes arguably the game's most over-powered asset once she joins your buddy list). For added entertainment value, the mission pops up out of nowhere when you ride through the right region, and it's hilarious to listen to Kaz whining that you're going to bring Quiet back to Mother Base.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.