Metal Gear Solid V: Ranking The Missions From Worst To Best

1. Hellbound (Episode 12)

Overview: Aid in the defection of Dr. Emmerich, a scientist involved with secret Soviet weapons development. He is suspected of having a close connection with the group that attacked Mother Base 9 years ago. As entertaining as these prior missions were, none felt as much like a Metal Gear game as Hellbound. This is a tough mission any way you approach it, as the base where Dr. Emmerich is held is extremely well-guarded. Stealth may require extreme awareness of your environment, but even going full Rambo can take upwards of an hour, given how many Walker Gears are scouting the base. Even if you clear the base out completely, you still need to peruse the three large hangars to find out where Emmerich is, suffer with the unintuitive control scheme which doesn't explain very well how to place Emmerich on one of the Walkers, and then face off against Sahelantropus for the first time. That's right, barely one-third into the game, you have your first encounter with the new Metal Gear, a stealth-based boss battle in which you need to keep yourself and Emmerich out of harm's way until you can make it to the LZ and escape. It requires a combination of luck and skill to get through, and has been a major source of aggravation for many MGS fans. That feeling of relief when you've flown away from the angry mech, though, is tremendous, even if you'll no doubt be worried that it'll be back for revenge later on. With an epic scope and a terrifyingly formidable enemy, MGS V doesn't get any better than this. What MGS V missions did you love? Which ones could you not stand? Shout them out in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.