Metal Gear Survive: 10 Brutally Honest Early Impressions You Need To Know

2. The Story Is Non-Existent

Metal Gear Survive

As I've mentioned previously, the hoops Konami have had to jump through to connect Survive's weird post-apocalyptic zombies to the rest of the series have been absolutely monumental. Consequently, the story is said to be pretty much incomprehensible.

It's already been established that the game takes place after the events of Ground Zeroes, following the stranded soldiers who didn't make it off Mother Base as they're sucked into a wormhole and into another dimension. It sounds daft, but moving so far into sci-fi territory could have potentially been cool.

Despite being a Metal Gear game though, it's said that this weird, alternate-reality tale doesn't have an inch of the charm that the Kojima-led titles had. Even worse, while there are threads of a story there, the characters, settings and enemies are all so lacking in any depth that the developers might as well have not tried.

It's clear that Survive is all about the grind, and consequently any kind of substantial, inspired story has been thrown on the back-burner in exchange for the same repetitive missions and generic third-person shooter game design.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3