Metroid: 25 Greatest Boss Fights RANKED

12. Kraid - Metroid Dread

metroid dread

Even though Kraid was a defining boss in Super Metroid, it took 27 years for this kaiju to appear in a sequel. And when Kraid showed up in Metroid Dread, he didn't disappoint. As is custom, you need to blast the tricloptic ogre in the mouth a bazillion times to take him out while he hurls everything at you (including his fingernails).

During his second phase, he'll rise up until he's too high to shoot. For this period, you have to launch yourself up with the magnetic strip to blast him right in the tonsils. But if you get hit by any projectiles, you'll drop back to the ground, forcing you to wait for the strip to reset.

During this time, Kraid will shoot goo, globules, and prongs at you, forcing you to jump, blast, and slide like crazy to dodge them all. If you want to risk it, you can jump on his prongs like a rudimentary staircase to reach his mouth sooner, but one wrong move will cause you to sustain devastating damage.

Even though Samus has tangled with this Godzilla-inspired foe several times, his diverse battle tactics in Dread make this standoff with Kraid the most memorable.


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