Metroid: 25 Greatest Boss Fights RANKED

10. Goyagma - Metroid: The Other M

metroid dread

Metroid: The Other M gets a bad rap but some of the bosses are very innovative, especially Goyagma. The battle starts with a jump scare as the lava monster nabs you the instant you reach the summit and activate your Varia suit. Once you wrestle free, Goyagma will sweep the perimeter with his tendrils, chuck lava at you, or slam his elongated arms into the ground, which triggers erupting geysers.

To defeat him, you have to wait for one of Goyagma's tentacles to get stuck and then blast it with ice. By running on his frozen arm, you can march straight up to his body and blast him in the face. Although many players complained The Other M depicted Samus as a weak character, the bounty hunter has never looked so badass as you watch her effortlessly slide and zip around this infernal beast.


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