Microsoft X018: 12 Things We Learned

11. Crackdown 3 Releases On February 15, Wrecking Zone Multiplayer Announced

Crackdown 3

After years and years and years of waiting, Microsoft has finally given the long-gestating Crackdown 3 a "concrete" release date of February 15, 2019, where it'll launch day-and-date on Xbox Game Pass as previously announced.

A live-action trailer featuring Terry Crews showed off some new gameplay footage which, shockingly enough, looked decidedly more polished than the last few glimpses we've seen of the game, even if it's still sensible to keep your expectations fairly middling for this one.

Microsoft also revealed the game's multiplayer offering, Wrecking Zone, a 5v5 competitive mode focused on the much-hyped cloud destruction, while showcasing a couple of the game's maps (Blackout Zone and Nova Station) and modes (Territories and Agent Station). As the gameplay demonstrated, it's possible to collapse an entire building on the opposing team. Nice.

And finally, it was announced that anyone can download a copy of the original Crackdown until November 30, which also comes with nifty 4K enhancements for Xbox One X owners.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.