Minecraft: 7 Terrifying Moments New Players Must Endure

4. Burn Baby, Burn

Minecraft Creeper

Lava (or magma, depending on where you find it and if you want to get technical about it) is a fascinating natural resource and a mesmerizing spectacle in the world of Minecraft.

Capable of providing a lasting source of light and heat, this material is a treat and a threat for newcomers that trust way too much in their capacity to execute precise movements while avoiding treacherous fiery pits.

But alas, everyone slips at some point and you’ll slowly burn in a sea of flames for your insolence. Say goodbye to all your items while you’re at it. A midst the dense darkness of underground caves, there is a ray of light and hope for weary adventurers that are running low on torches.

Sometimes it flows, sometimes it’s completely still. Lava is both a blessing and a curse.

Death by scorching molten rock is slow and painful, specially in the early moments of the game because you’ll lose everything you worked so hard to obtain.

You probably don’t even have a chest by this point, so all the valuables you greedily carried on your back are gone, simply vaporized, along with your dead body.

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I hear a voice inside my head, it always tells me to go get tacos. Like... right NOW! Ok, jeez, you don't have to shout. Occasionally, I write content for What Culture.