Mirror's Edge Catalyst: 10 Reasons It's A Huge Disappointment
9. The Plot & Dialogue Are Terrible
The first game didn't exactly boast a particularly memorable plot or characters, and Catalyst follows the same suit. Sure, Faith looks cool and all, but the game's attempts to make you care about her by way of a mysterious back story regarding her family just doesn't work at all.
The narrative is your usual bland "bring down the big evil corporation" nonsense, while dialogue ranges from laughably self-serious to some cringe-worthy attempts at humour that fall woefully flat.
In short, there's probably no shame in just skipping the game's cut-scenes altogether, because for all the story's actually worth, your time is better spent doing almost anything else.
In fairness, a game such as this only needs a serviceable story, but this one is actively, aggressively bad.